Why We Support This Work
Only a small percentage of journalism and media is created with an intention to engender deep understanding about current events; lift up underreported or misunderstood issues; include and amplify diverse perspectives; promote self-reflection, empathy, and mutual respect; and inspire civic engagement and action. As a result, large segments of the American public are misinformed, disengaged, and cynical about their role as civic actors and agents for social change.
What We Are Doing
We seek to strengthen and sustain an independent media ecosystem that investigates the actions of institutions, explores the implications of policies, challenges social norms, amplifies diverse perspectives, and creates opportunities for public conversations and individual and collective action on urgent contemporary issues.
Representative Grants
Media and Storytelling in Chicago
Supporting a diverse set of Chicago news outlets, reporters, and media makers to ensure stories of all Chicagoans are told accurately, fairly, and contextually.
Media & Storytelling