Chicago’s media landscape is undergoing seismic shifts. Media giants are consolidating ownership as new independent nonprofit outlets emerge. As news and information sources change, one constant remains: a handful of mostly downtown, for-profit news and media outlets define what is newsworthy.
The often incomplete or inaccurate narratives, particularly about communities of color, reinforce existing power structures and perpetuate misleading stereotypes. In 2019, after being informed by recommendations from nearly 70 journalists, media makers, and storytellers from communities of color, MacArthur partnered with The Field Foundation on its creation of the Media & Storytelling Program, which provides grants to a more diverse set of Chicago news outlets, reporters, and media makers to ensure stories of all Chicagoans are told accurately, fairly, and contextually.
As part of its Jack Fuller Legacy Initiative, MacArthur has so far committed $6 million over six years that has supported 78 nonprofit media outlets and special reporting projects to date. The Field Foundation uses that support to award a range of grants, each in the amount of $25,000 to $50,000 three times per year, for content creation, editorial collaborations and partnerships, and operations and equipment. Funding for travel and professional development is also available. Learn more about requirements, deadline information and how to apply.
The following Chicago media outlets and projects have been supported by the Media & Storytelling Program:
American Indian Association of Illinois
Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council
Chicago Defender Charities, Inc.
Chicago South Side Film Festival
Communications Problem Solvers
Community Film Workshop of Chicago
Community Renewal Society c/o The Chicago Reporter
Filmmakers Collaborative - Forgiving Cain
Growing Community Media NFP dba The Austin Weekly News
Hartman Publishing Group aka NDIGO STUDIO
Henry Williams Love Foundation
Kartemquin Educational Films - Unapologetic
Kartemquin Films - Traces of Home
Kartemquin Films - Educational Films
Korean News of Chicago Inc dba Korea Times Chicago
La Raza Newspaper (La Raza Chicago, Inc)
Midway Broadcasting Corporation
Muslim American Leadership Alliance
National Museum of Mexican Art
North Lawndale Historical and Cultural Society
Reader Institute for Community Journalism
School Film LLC
Steven J Walsh Productions
STM Reader LLC (aka Chicago Reader)
Strategy for Access Foundation NFP
The Chicago South Side Film Festival
The Firehouse Community Arts Center
Watched Films LLC