Communications Information for Grantees

We are committed to supporting your work by helping to communicate its value and impact to key audiences. Learn how we can help and how you can keep us information about your work.

MacArthur Logo
Primary Logo

Generally, grantees should use MacArthur’s primary logo. Exceptions occur when (1) it will appear in a series of logos or (2) it conflicts with your design (e.g. cannot be read against your background color or will appear in black and white). Under these circumstances, consider using our secondary or alternative logos.

The minimum size for reproducing the primary logo in print publications is 0.3" high.

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MacArthur secondary logo with green and blue background
Secondary Logo

The secondary MacArthur logo — reversed out of two color bars — can be used when the logo is presented in a large group of other logos.

The minimum size for reproducing the alternative logo in print publications is 0.32" high.

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Alternative MacArthur Logo solid black color
Alternative Logo

If our primary logo conflicts with your design (for example, it cannot be read against your background colors or you are printing in black and white only), this monochrome version is permitted.

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Animated MacArthur Logo
Animated Logo

This version of our logo should be used as a visual alternative in videos supported by MacArthur.

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MacArthur Logo with white space around
White Space Around Logo

The grey areas around our logo define the minimum space that must be left between the logo and any other graphic elements such as text, illustrations, and borders. The minimum recommended safety area is equal to the height of the lettering. Whenever possible, allow even more space around the logo.

Logo Colors

It is important to reproduce the logo colors as consistently as possible. Here are specifications for print and electronic display.

Blue PMS 293 C- 100 M- 57 Y- 0 K- 2 R- 0 G- 58 B- 139 Websafe R- 00 G- 67 B- B1
Green PMS 356 C- 95 M- 0 Y- 100 K- 27 R- 0 G- 111 B- 63 Websafe R- 00 G- 85 B- 3F

Questions about these design guidelines should be emailed to the Communications Assistant, or call (312) 917-3690.

Logo Misuse

Do not modify the logo in any way. If you have questions about logo use, please contact the Communications team or call (312) 917-3690.

Use of the MacArthur Name

If the Foundation’s name is to appear in print (whether near the logo or not), please use our full name:

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Note “the” is not part of our name and, therefore, should be in lower case if it appears at all. We encourage you to provide a hyperlink to MacArthur’s website ( or to print the web address near our name.

Boilerplate Language About the MacArthur Foundation

If you would like to include in your printed materials or online a paragraph of boilerplate text describing the MacArthur Foundation, please use the following text:

“The MacArthur Foundation boldly invests in creative solutions to urgent challenges, sparking hope for our future. We work on a few big bets that strive toward transformative change in areas of profound concern, including the existential threats of climate change and nuclear risk, the challenges of criminal justice reform and revitalizing local news in the U.S. and corruption in Nigeria.
In addition, we maintain enduring commitments in our hometown Chicago, where we invest in people, places, and partnerships to build a more inclusive Chicago and in journalism and media, where we invest in more just and inclusive news and narratives.
We also make awards to extraordinarily creative individuals through the MacArthur Fellows program and for solutions to critical problems of our time through 100&Change.”

On-Air Credit for the MacArthur Foundation

If you would like to provide an on-air (radio, television, or film) credit to the Foundation, please use the following text:

“Supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, committed to building a more just, verdant, and peaceful world. More information at”

Issuing a Press Release

We encourage you to share news about your MacArthur grant with your community and the media. This could include issuing a press release to announce your MacArthur grant, as well as releases that provide information on the impact of your work.

It is helpful if you can share your press release with us in advance. We like to review releases that mention MacArthur to ensure that the Foundation and the grant are properly represented. We may also post your release on MacArthur's website, enabling more people to see it. And we can sometimes suggest specific reporters or media outlets that might be interested in hearing about your work.

Sharing Information, Images, and Video with MacArthur

We appreciate receiving information and news about your work. This may include stories in the media, research, new features on your website, pictures, and video. We often feature such information on MacArthur's website, in our monthly e-newsletter, and in the Foundation's publication.

We seek digital photos that convey the excitement, importance, impact, and breadth of your work. Upon receipt of a MacArthur grant, please share images of your work. We will gladly provide photo credit as directed for your images. We prefer photos that are 1500 x 1000 pixels or larger because they can be used in almost any web or print publication.

For More Information

To keep up to date with news from the Foundation and our grantees, subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter and follow our official social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube.

MacArthur Communications Staff can assist grantees with communications needs or questions that may arise in conjunction with your grant and the public release of materials and products that may result from it, such as press releases, research reports, and publications.

In some instances, MacArthur can provide strategic input on your outreach plans, and augment your efforts by sharing your grant-supported news and announcements on our website and through our social media channels.

We appreciate it when you share with us press releases, reports, or other materials that mention MacArthur prior to publication.

Contact us for more information, or email individual Communications staff below.