
A competition for a $100 million grant to fund a single proposal that promises real and measurable progress in solving a critical problem of our time.

Competition Timeline

We designed a selection process that is fair, open, and transparent. Once the application period closes, Lever for Change Staff will work to review each 100&Change submission to ensure it meets the requirements and rules before advancing to the next stage. During the participatory review process, applicants within the same domain will score and provide feedback on each other’s proposals using our established criteria. Our Wise Head Panel of external judges will then review and score submissions using the same criteria and trait scoring rubric. MacArthur's Board of Directors will then select up to five finalists. Over the next several months, the finalists will work with an expert team to strengthen their proposals, present a preliminary plan for monitoring and evaluation, and learning, and show authentic engagement with communities of interest before submitting revised project plans.The selection of the final award recipient rests with MacArthur’s Board.

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Competition Launch: May 2024


Proposals Due
September 2024

Administrative & Participatory Review
September - October 2024

Wise Head Review
October - November 2024

Finalists Selected
January - March 2025

Finalists Announced
Spring 2025

Project Development
Summer - Fall 2025

Award Recipient Announced
Winter 2025