100&Change Webinar 2 - From Theory to Logic to Action

February 27, 2019 Videos 100&Change

This webinar focuses on developing and using theories of change and logic models to write effective proposals and gather evidence on your project’s progress and effectiveness to advance your research or organization’s goals. Bold ideas alone are not enough to win funding support; these ideas require the strong foundation that a solid theory of change and logic model provide.

Clemencia Cosentino, Senior Fellow and Director of STEM Research, Mathematica Policy Research
Swetha Sridharan, Deputy Director of Global Philanthropy, Mathematica Policy Research

Kristen Molyneaux, Senior Program Officer, MacArthur Foundation

Additional Resources and/or Materials

The Aspen Institute’s The Community Builder’s Approach to Theory of Change: A Practical Guide to Theory Development
The Center for Theory of Change’s Guidelines on How to Develop a Theory of Change
The Kellogg Foundation’s Logic Model Development Guide


Think Big & Communicate Clearly: Bold Ideas for Philanthropy

This webinar series is intended to help 100&Change applicants think big and communicate clearly about the depth, breadth, and impact of their work. 

"Big Bets" for Social Change
How do Funders Think About Impact Investing
Strategies for Disability Inclusion: Utilizing a Human Rights Framework
Planning, Achieving, and Sustaining Outcomes at Scale
Key Learnings from 100&Change
Addressing Common Legal Challenges