Technology in the Public Interest

Strengthening research and advocacy addressing the social impacts of technology.
Hexagon collage with image of business people looking at their phones, and an image of a 360 surveillance camera.

Why We Support This Work

Beneath the veneer of new and emerging technology is an old story about power and how it operates. Addressing resulting challenges requires supporting and expanding a collaborative and diverse ecosystem of people, organizations, and networks advancing a vision for technology that is rooted in equity and justice.

What We Are Doing

Our strategy seeks to connect people, organizations, and networks working to advance equity and justice in the digital age, paying particular attention to organizations and efforts focused on supporting historically marginalized communities.

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Representative Grants

A collage of faces of technology experts in a hexagon grid.

Technology in the Public Interest Experts List

Contact academics, researchers, data scientists, and community organizers for your project.

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