100&Change Funding Partners

Key resources, updates, and information for potential 100&Change partners

Big Problems Require Bold Approaches

We are committed to matching philanthropists with powerful solutions and creative problem solvers to accelerate social change. Our approach enables philanthropists to achieve their ambitions by providing them with the tools and resources to maximize their giving. We give social change organizations the opportunity to think big, while preparing them to achieve more dramatic results at a deeper scale. Together, we can help solve society’s greatest challenges. Are you ready to place a big bet on a critical challenge?

How to Get Involved

We have leveraged more than $511 million to date in additional funding from other philanthropists to support 100&Change applicants.

Now, we want to offer this valuable grantmaking approach to you. Let us help you find the bold solution you are looking for. Building on the success of 100&Change, MacArthur created Lever for Change, a nonprofit affiliate committed to unlocking philanthropic capital and helping donors put their resources to work to drive transformational social change. Lever for Change is managing the third round of the 100&Change competition. The team brings longstanding knowledge and years of experience in the field of philanthropy and social change to help you engage in big bet approaches.

We are offering you the ability to identify organizations and collaborations working on specific issues, spot emerging trends, and find funding opportunities outside your existing networks. Do you care deeply about making an impact on healthcare, election reform, or sustainable agriculture? Let us know and we can curate a list of the top vetted proposals that have surfaced through 100&Change.

The team will also work with donors and their philanthropic advisors to help identify and support rigorously evaluated proposals from effective organizations among the high-scoring proposals from 100&Change, through the Bold Solutions Network—a growing global network that helps secure additional funding, amplify members’ impact, and accelerate social change.

Each of these proposals will have already undergone a rigorous review and, more importantly, shown evidence of results. This existing trove of ideas allows us to help philanthropists quickly identify a proposal from this inventory that resonates with you, in turn allowing you to invest your resources more effectively and efficiently.

Transparency & Openness Matter

100&Change is committed to transparency, openness, equity, and inclusivity. We take intentional steps to ensure these values are represented throughout our competition, including building community engagement into competition design from the beginning. We provide applicants with detailed information in advance, such as the evaluation criteria, scoring rubric, competition timeline, process, and the names of judges.

To provide more guidance to applicants about the competition, we created an organizational readiness tool to help them decide if they are likely to have a competitive proposal. Since the inaugural round of the 100&Change competition, applicants receive feedback from a multidisciplinary panel of evaluators. MacArthur seeks to increase the value of feedback to applicants by adding two additional stages: a participatory review and, for the highest scoring applicants, technical review panels.