When a loved one goes missing, the first 48 hours can be critical to finding them, but Chicago police have mishandled cases, including illegally denying and delaying investigations. Over two years, Invisible Institute and City Bureau investigated Chicago police handling of missing persons cases. They worked closely with communities and families and obtained police records uncovering a pattern of neglect and violations in the investigations. Black youth make up about 57 percent of Chicago’s missing persons cases, compounding the impact.
Families say missing person reports are denied or delayed illegally, disregard evidence, and stigmatize loved ones. Police records themselves misclassify data and lack key information—with 45 percent missing time and date of police arrival to investigate. The seven-part publication of the investigation, shares the evidence from police and victims, stories that show the impact of delayed and incompetent investigations, voices from affected families, and ways police, policy and communities can create change.