Twenty thought leaders have been selected for a yearlong program where they will receive hands-on support, build leadership skills, and develop knowledge to ensure their ideas help shape conversations around the social impacts of technology. The Public Voices Fellowship on Technology in the Public Interest, an initiative of The OpEd Project in partnership with MacArthur, will explore how credibility works, how ideas spread, when and why minds change, and how ideas play out over time and space. The fellows listed below will join a national network of peers, allowing for knowledge-sharing and innovation across institutions.
- María P. Angel, Ph.D. Candidate, Tech Policy Lab, University of Washington
- Lilian Coral, Senior Director, Open Technology Institute and Head of Technology and Democracy Programs, New America Foundation
- Dylan Baker, Research Engineer, Distributed AI Research Institute
- Melissa Brown, Assistant Professor of Communication, Santa Clara University
- Tonantzin Carmona, David M. Rubenstein Fellow, Brookings Institution
- Brandi Collins, Associate Director, Tech and Social Change project at the Shorenstein Center, Harvard University
- Avriel Epps, Research Fellow, Center on Race and Digital Justice, UCLA
- Katie Evans, Deputy Director, Center on Privacy & Technology, Georgetown University
- Julie Lee, Technology for Liberty Fellow, ACLU of Massachusetts
- Nicol Turner Lee, Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Technology Innovation, Brookings Institution
- Anika Navaroli, Senior Fellow, Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Columbia University
- Clarence Okoh, Senior Policy Counsel, Center for Law and Social Policy
- Alejandro Ruizesparza, Co-Director, Lucy Parsons Labs
- Nakeema Stefflbauer, Founder and CEO, FrauenLoop
- Tiera Tanksley, Assistant Professor of Education and Critical Race Technology Studies, UCLA
- Viktoria Tomova, Communications and Media Officer, European Digital Rights (EDRi)
- Ed Vogel, Member, Lucy Parsons Labs
- Adrienne Williams, Research Fellow, Distributed AI Research Institute
- Meg Young, Researcher, Data & Society Research Institute
- Baobao Zhang, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Syracuse University