The first comprehensive report on the sexual and reproductive health needs of youth in India was released in Delhi in late February. The Youth in India: Situation and Needs Study, supported by MacArthur, surveyed more than 50,000 youth age 10-29 in six of the nation’s most populous states. The study was conducted by the Population Council and the International Institute for Population Sciences. Many of the findings underscored the limited awareness young people have of sexual and reproductive health and related issues. For example, half of all women are married before the legal age of 18. The study also provides new information on key transitions that youth face, including education and livelihood opportunities. India Minister of Health Ghulam Nabi Azad spoke at the event, and economist Amartya Sen was the keynote speaker. The study was reported by more than 40 media outlets in India, including Times of India (PDF), The Hindu (PDF), and The Statesman (PDF).