The documentary, And She Could Be Next, follows candidates and organizers who are women of color as they campaigned for public office and advocate for communities. Women of color are at the intersection of marginalized identities, and the film explores how they work to transform the status quo. The directors Grace Lee and Marjan Safinia filmed in 2018 and 2019 with a team of women filmmakers of color, supported through the International Documentary Association’s Enterprise Documentary Fund.
MacArthur hosted a panel discussion on the film with Juliet De Jesus Alejandre, Executive Director, Logan Square Neighborhood Association; Bushra Amiwala, Skokie School District 73.5 Board of Education Member, who was also featured in the documentary; and Kim Neely Du Buclet, Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. Lauren Pabst, Senior Program Officer, Journalism and Media, and Tawa Mitchell, Senior Program Officer, Chicago Commitment, moderated the discussion on the challenges and opportunities women face as candidates and in office.