We deeply regret President Donald Trump’s decision today to remove the United States from the Paris Climate Accord. It is a consequential decision that will affect millions of people and undermines the ‘just, verdant, and peaceful world’ we are committed to building. It is a globally isolating decision that also rejects broad support by American voters and American businesses for the United States to lead on climate solutions so everyone can enjoy the health and economic benefits of a clean energy economy. Abandoning our seat at this table means the United States can no longer negotiate climate policies that advance American interests with the nearly 200 other nations across the world who have signed on.
Despite this decision, we are optimistic that meaningful carbon reductions aimed at curbing global warming will continue due to the growing leadership that our cities, states, and corporations are demonstrating. We also hope China and India will continue to grow as leaders on climate and we look forward to providing resources for efforts in those countries as well. Since 2015, MacArthur has committed more than $120 million to support leadership by civil society, government, and the private sector to prevent climate change, and enhance and equitably share the social, economic, and health benefits of a clean energy transition. We affirm that commitment and look forward to continued progress on this critical issue.