MacArthur is a member of the Partnership for Safe and Peaceful Communities, a coalition of philanthropic organizations committed to reducing gun violence in Chicago in collaboration with community, public, and private sector leaders. The Partnership is supporting three broad strategies—direct services, police legitimacy, and gun policy—to create the conditions for violence prevention and reduction.
Recognizing the potential for a spike in violence in Chicago this summer, members of the Partnership are also collaborating to support an immediate intervention by grassroots and local groups working to keep our city's communities vibrant and safe. The 2017 Chicago Fund for Safe and Peaceful Communities awarded 120 rapid response grants for activities designed to promote peace, build trust, and strengthen relationships. The programs will take place in one of the Fund’s prioritized 17 communities. View a full list of 2017 organizations.
Beyond the summer Fund, members of the Partnership are strategically aligning their collective assets to achieve greater impact by supporting community engagement in police reform, reducing the availability of illegal firearms, and intervening with likely victims and shooters through a variety of approaches, such as street outreach.