Earlier this year, we formed a team to help design and implement the Foundation's enduring commitment to the city we call home. The team, called the Chicago Commitment, began to meet and devise priorities for our future support of activities and initiatives in the city.
The team draws from programs that have been long engaged in Chicago, including Arts and Culture, Housing, Digital Media and Learning, Community and Economic Development, Justice Reform, Immigration, and Impact Investments. While some of these programs are currently winding down, the knowledge and deep experience of MacArthur staff from across the Foundation will inform our decisions about future priorities.
The Chicago Commitment team is now working in earnest to develop and refine our priorities for Chicago. We know that we will retain our historic focus on the vibrant Arts and Culture sector. In addition, we will consider how the Foundation can contribute to peace, prosperity, and opportunity for the city's residents, and the vitality of the communities where they live.
Our team will make an announcement later this year describing the plans and priorities of the Chicago Commitment. With great anticipation and excitement, we look forward to continuing to engage in our city in the years to come.