Total Awarded
2013 - 2018
Launched in 2008 by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) works to build an international community of nuclear security professionals to share and promote best practices to improve the security of weapons-useable material. This award continues support for general operations. WINS works toward achieving widespread support for making nuclear security management a regulated and certified profession around the globe, thereby strengthening the nuclear regime and reducing nuclear risks.
Launched in 2008 by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, the World Institute for Nuclear Security brings together nuclear policy experts, industry leaders, governments, and international organizations to share and promote best practices to improve the security of weapons-useable material. This project was selected through a request for proposals competition, co-organized by MacArthur and Carnegie Corporation of New York, entitled Heading Off Nuclear Catastrophe. This award supports the establishment of a forum for the civil aviation and nuclear sectors to share best practices related to the international security obligations of these respective fields. By enabling collaboration between these two disparate but related sectors, this award aims to generate measures to strengthen nuclear policy.
Launched in 2008 by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS), based in Austria, brings together nuclear security experts, industry leaders, governments and international organizations to provide an international forum for those accountable for nuclear security to share and promote the best security practices available to safeguard vulnerable materials. This renewal award provides general operating support to help WINS continue to work toward achieving widespread support for making nuclear security management a regulated and certified profession. The annual level of support recommended to WINS is equivalent to approximately 10 percent of WINS’ annual operating costs and will allow the organization flexibility to seize opportunities as they arise.
Launched in 2008, the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) provides an international forum for those accountable for nuclear security to share and promote the best practices to safeguard vulnerable materials. It brings together nuclear security experts, industry leaders, governments, and international organizations. The security of sensitive nuclear materials is frequently under the control of people who have not received comprehensive training in methods of managing and securing these materials and have never had to demonstrate their competence. WINS plans to address this gap in professional development and certification. Funds will be used for general support of the WINS mission.