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Women's Environment & Development Organization

New York, New York


2000 (1 year)

To prepare for the Beijing +5 Conference.

2000 (1 year)

To prepare for the Beijing +5 Conference.

1999 (1 year)

To coordinate and strengthen women's participation in the final deliberations of the U.N. General Assembly meeting on Cairo +5 and its aftermath.

1999 (1 year)

To coordinate and strengthen women's participation in the final deliberations of the U.N. General Assembly meeting on Cairo +5 and its aftermath.

1997 (2 years)

To monitor and implement the United Nations conference agreements on environment, population, and development (over two years).

1996 (1 year)

To organize a women's caucus at the United Nations Habitat II City Summit Conference.

1995 (1 year)

To support an environment and development center at the NGO Forum of the Fourth World Conference on Women.

1995 ( 9 months)

To implement ICPD and to build an international monitoring and accountability network.

1993 (1 year)

To support community-based efforts to raise public awareness of the interactions between gender and environment issues (over two years).

1992 (1 year)

To support preparations for the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development.