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Voluntary Association of Agriculture General Development Health and Reconstruction Alliance

Banswara, India


2024 (2 years)

Voluntary Association of Agriculture General Development Health and Reconstruction Alliance (Vaagdhara) is a nonprofit organization working to empower Indigenous communities in Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh through sustainable livelihood and community-driven initiatives. By focusing on integrating climate solutions and Indigenous knowledge, Vaagdhara aims to build vibrant and equitable communities. This award supports sustainable energy practices among these communities by conducting participatory learning and action sessions, assessing energy needs, and building local capacity.

2023 ( 8 months)

VAAGDHARA is an Indian non-profit that has worked with smallholder marginal farmers in Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh since 1988. Its vision is to ensure sustainable livelihoods, food and nutrition security, and improved governance with a focus on self-reliance and a combination of traditional practices and modern technology. This award supports VAAGDHARA to organize a farmers’ conclave on climate change mitigation in January 2024. The conclave is a grassroots public event with participation of approximately 5,000-6,000 community members for dialogue and exchange of ideas around climate change mitigation and energy access.