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University of Illinois at Chicago, Great Cities Institute

Chicago, Illinois


2002 (3 years)

To improve workforce development in the Chicago region and nationally (over two years).

1998 (1 year)

To assess the feasibility of establishing a center on urban environmental issues.

1998 (1 year)

To provide technical assistance and management consultation to two community-based initiatives.

1998 (1 year)

To support the attendance of leaders from U.S. nongovernmental organizations at the Summit of the Peoples of the Americas.

1998 (4 years)

To support the Technology Bridge program and to initiate the Workforce Development Partnership (over three years).

1996 (2 years 6 months)

To support an information exchange between community revitalization practitioners and scholars from Chicago and Belfast, Northern Ireland.

1996 (1 year)

To build regional employment and training networks at Chicago-area community colleges.