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University of Arizona Foundation

Tucson, Arizona


2015 (1 year 2 months)

Established in February 2011 at University of Arizona, the National Institute for Civil Discourse (the Institute) is a nonpartisan center for advocacy, research, and policy regardin~ civil discourse. The grant supports the design and production of two town meetings, one at the 9t Annual Models for Change Working Conference in 2014 and another at the l Ot" Annual Conference in 2015, both held in Washington, D.C. The town meeting provides a forum for juvenile justice stakeholders to participate in a process of deliberation and engagement to identify shared priorities that will yield opportunities for collaboration and near-term success in order to capitalize on the current momentum for reform and sustain continued progress as the Foundation exits the field.

2013 (1 year)

The National Institute for Civil Discourse is a nonpartisan center for advocacy, research, and policy regarding civil discourse. The Institute will use this grant to coordinate a series of community conversations to advance public understanding of mental health disorders, and the need for a public health approach to prevention, early identification, and treatment. The initiative – Creating Community Solutions – is part of a broader effort organized by the secretaries of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Education in response to President Obama’s request to launch a national dialogue on mental health.

2002 (1 year 11 months)

To develop a senior science fellowship program.