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Tikunov, Vladimir Sergeevich

Moscow, Russia
  • Grants
  • Total Awarded
  • Years
    1994 - 2003


2003 (1 year 6 months)

For “Development of Integrated Indicators and Scenarios of Sustainable Development for Russia’s Regions Using Geoinformation Technology” (over 18 months).

1999 (1 year 5 months)

For "A Comprehensive Socio-Economic Assessment of Russia and Recommendations for Its Environmentally Sustainable Development."

1997 (1 year 7 months)

To deliver the paper "Social and Economic Analysis of Spacial Differences in the Health of the Population Using Anamorphoses" at the "Changing Patterns of Health in Developing Countries" conference.

1996 ()

To deliver the paper "Spacial Analysis of Complex Ecological-Socio-Economic Systems Using Anamorphosis and Principles of Nature Conservation" at the Sydney International Statistical Congress.

1994 (1 year)

To deliver the paper "Analysis of Spatial Differences in the Health of the Population of the World Using a Global Database: The Case of Natural-Endemic Diseases" at the International Medical Geography Symposium.