Total Awarded
2001 - 2016
The Africa Grantmakers Affinity Group (Affinity Group), a project of the Tides Center, is the only venue for Africa grantmakers to share Africa specific opportunities and concerns. Donors interested in Africa turn to the affinity group to find a network of informed and experienced colleagues who can assist with information, expertise, and advice on beginning or expanding their Africa-based programming. Much of the knowledge relating to funding projects in Africa remains within individual foundations and is not easily available to the broader foundation community or other stakeholders. Additionally, there are opportunities for experiences across foundations to be systematically analyzed in order to distill lessons and identify effective practices for grantmaking in Africa. The Affinity Group is a network of funders with experience addressing a wide variety of needs in countries on the continent of Africa and holds a common interest in building and sharing knowledge about Africa grantmaking. This one-year award to the Affinity Group focuses on supporting, increasing, and improving the effectiveness of funding in Africa in areas such as climate change, education, health, and technology.
The Africa Grantmakers Affinity Group, a project of the Tides Center, is a venue for Africa grantmakers to share common interests and concerns regarding philanthropy in Africa. The Affinity Group occupies a particular niche within the larger philanthropic and development community as a network of funders with both experience and interest in addressing needs in countries on the continent of Africa, and building and sharing knowledge about Africa grantmaking.
In support of the Africa Grantmakers Affinity Group (over three years).
In support of general operations (over three years).
In support of general operations (over three years).