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Third Way Institute

Washington, D.C.


2021 (3 years)

Third Way Institute (Third Way) is a public policy and advocacy organization whose mission is to create and promote transformational centrist ideas. Third Way aims to support productive engagement and policy progress on the future of nuclear power as a climate solution. This award supports Third Way’s work to strengthen U.S. leadership on nonproliferation measures related to advanced nuclear energy.

2018 (2 years 7 months)

Third Way Institute is a public policy and advocacy organization whose mission is to create and promote transformational centrist ideas. With MacArthur support, Third Way works to integrate the full spectrum of nonproliferation security considerations into advanced nuclear reactor technologies. Though convenings, publications, and engagement activities, Third Way works to ensure that advanced nuclear reactors do not undermine global security.

2017 ( 4 months)

Third Way is a public policy and advocacy organization whose mission is to create and promote transformational centrist ideas. With MacArthur support, Third Way brings together nuclear policy analysts, climate change experts, and members of the private sector for a workshop to examine pressing issues and identify common ground at the nexus of nuclear and climate policy. The award also supports research and a published report outlining a framework of nonproliferation and security protocols for advanced nuclear power technologies. Its intended outcome is to help to ensure that the next wave of nuclear power technologies does not undermine global security by increasing the availability of weapons-useable material.