Total Awarded
2017 - 2022
The ImPact, a nonprofit launched in 2016, is a membership community of more than 70 families from more than 20 countries on five continents who are committed to aligning their assets with their values. The ImPact is supporting the incubation of Trimtab, a multi-asset class fund-of-funds that deploys capital across sectors, geographies, and modes of impact. Trimtab will deploy capital using the definition of catalytic capital established by the Foundation’s Catalytic Capital Consortium initiative, and seeks, over time, to demonstrate the viability of an investment approach that establishes “impact” as an equal variable in every investment process, alongside risk and return. The Foundation’s award supports the ImPact goals with Trimtab to: a) demonstrate market demand from asset owners for catalytic capital; b) demonstrate a sufficient pipeline of catalytic capital opportunities; c) scale proven models of impact-first investment; d) experiment with new investment models with the potential for high impact; e) explore modes of additionality; and f) inspire wealth owners. Trimtab’s development is expected to result in increased levels of catalytic capital, with the individuals and communities supported by those who are working on the world’s toughest challenges serving as the ultimate beneficiaries of Trimtab’s development.
The ImPact is a global nonprofit committed to increasing the flow of capital into investments that make a measureable impact on social and environment challenges. Its mission is to inspire and supporting ultra-high net worth families to make impact investments more effectively. The project is a three-year initiative to study the impact investment interests and activities of family offices and foundations across geographies, asset classes, sectors and return profiles and measure the extent to which product and service offerings in the marketplace are addressing these needs. It is expected that this mapping would help unlock capital from this group of investors by identifying unmet demand for investible opportunities and highlighting how product and service offerings may be improved to address that demand. The funds will be used for staff and researchers assigned to the study, covering professional time and expenses, including report publishing.