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The Climate Group – North America

New York, New York


2023 (2 years 2 months)

Climate Group, an international non-profit organization with locations around the world, works with sub-national governments and multinational corporations to accelerate climate action. In India, it promotes and supports climate initiatives at the leadership level for Indian corporations and states, with a focus on helping the country to meet its 2030 decarbonization goals and long-term aim of achieving net zero emissions by 2070. The award enables Climate Group to take immediate steps to deliver on its vision for greater climate impact in India, while also building the resilience of the India team through enhanced operational and fundraising growth. Specifically, the Climate Group works with states to build their capacity to accelerate the energy transition without jeopardizing the principles of equity and social justice. It achieves this by helping Indian states articulate their decarbonization and adaptation pathways, join the Under2 coalition, and utilize their transnational networks to foster partnerships between states and philanthropic organizations, civil society groups, and multi-national corporations.

2019 (2 years 9 months)

The Climate Group (TCG) is an international nonprofit organization, working to deliver a world of net zero greenhouse gas emissions. It also serves as the global Secretariat for the Under2 Coalition network of sub-national governments, which individually commit to act to contain global warming to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of this century. In India, TCG is actively involved in increasing the country’s climate ambition by working with leading corporations and sub-national governments on key issues such as energy transition and cleaner transportation. This award enables TCG to support sub-national actors in demonstrating global leadership on action against climate change to meet India’s existing commitments, and to raise the level of national climate ambition. It supports TCG to establish an online digital platform for information exchange, to conduct tailored workshops and webinars, and to encourage critical sub-national actors to participate in key international climate events.

2017 (1 year 6 months)

The Climate Group serves as the global secretariat for the Under-2 coalition network of sub-national governments, which individually commit to act to contain global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius by the end of this century. The Group assists its members in developing 2050 pathway plans – supporting Under-2 signatory governments in developing short and long-term goals; scaling innovative policy solutions; and measuring progress by ensuring that appropriate expertise and systems are in place to track progress against their targets. In India, the Climate Group works with leading corporation and sub-national governments to ensure sustained climate ambition and delivery on existing commitments to the Paris Agreement. This initiative allows the Climate Group to help sub-national jurisdictions in India access relevant knowledge and experience from Under-2 coalition members. In addition, the award helps Climate Group build technical, analytical and leadership capacities in two Indian states, which will plan and execute programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and carbon intensity of their respective economies.