Total Awarded
1993 - 2016
The Boston Foundation devotes its resources to building and sustaining a vital region, where justice and opportunity is extended to everyone. The Health Starts at Home initiative is supporting partnerships among housing and health care organizations in the Boston region, with the goals of: highlighting the importance of affordable housing to children’s health outcomes; identifying promising models for partnership that can be brought to scale; and decreasing health- and homelessness-related costs. The Boston Foundation will award up to four implementation grants to partnerships that were awarded planning grants in 2015. These grantees are refining their collaborative models and developing strategies to evaluate the impact of their work to submit implementation grant proposals in early 2016. Working with outside evaluation partners and awarded grantees, the Foundation will widely disseminate findings to promote continued iteration and adaptation of these model programs in other local markets, and nationally.
To support the first National Invitational Meeting on Materials Recycling and Economic Development.