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Tech Policy Press

Dallas, Texas


2024 (2 years)

Tech Policy Press is a nonprofit media organization intended to provoke debate and discussion at the intersection of technology and democracy. At a time of great challenge to democracies globally, Tech Policy Press seeks to advance a pro-democracy movement in technology and technology policy by generating compelling reporting, information, analysis, and perspective from a diverse set of voices. Tech Policy Press’s three areas of engagement include: (1) News and Analysis – generating a substantial stream of articles, essays, podcast discussions, and other content that both anticipate and interact with key policy debates and help shape broader public reporting by the press; (2) Knowledge – helping policymakers better evaluate the policy solutions related to technology’s impact on democracy, compare approaches and learning across countries, and identify recommendations for future efforts; and (3) New Voices – introducing new and diverse voices into the dialogue and debate on tech policy issues and mentoring and training a new and diverse generation of people invested in solving problems at the intersection of technology and democracy. Across these areas, a focus on the governance of artificial intelligence is a key issue animating the organization’s work. The award provides general operating support to Tech Policy Press.