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Step Up Nigeria

Abuja, Nigeria
  • Grants
  • Total Awarded
  • Years
    2019 - 2024
  • Categories
    On Nigeria


2024 ( 6 months)

Founded in 2016, Step Up Nigeria is a creative team that builds bridges between government and citizens to tackle corruption and improve the delivery of public services. With this X-Grant, the Step Up team, in partnership with On Nigeria's behavior change cohort, is hosting a planning and skill building retreat. Participants are consolidating their behavior change achievements and planning for future collaborations after On Nigeria ends. They are attending sessions to strengthen their skills to deliver high-impact interventions to address corruption and strengthen their organizations. Expected outcomes include improved implementation of behavior change approaches, improved business development and organizational health skills, and enhanced coordination and collaboration among practitioners.

2023 ( 7 months)

Founded in 2016, Step Up Nigeria is a creative team that builds bridges between government and citizens to tackle corruption and improve the delivery of public services. With this X-Grant, the Step Up team and other members of On Nigeria's behavior change cohort are participating in a skill building and knowledge exchange visit with peers from Chatham House, University College London, and Social Change UK. Participants are attending workshops and sharing research findings and lessons learned from their work. Expected outcomes include improved implementation of behavior change approaches, better knowledge of how behavior change approaches can be used for social impact, and enhanced coordination and collaboration among practitioners.

2022 (1 year)

Step Up Nigeria is a non-profit organization with a creative team that builds bridges between government and citizens to tackle corruption and improve the delivery of public services. With this award, Step Up provides access to quality education and a safe learning environment for poor and marginalized children, especially girls and children with disabilities. Step Up works with a core of affordable schooling champions who provide access to innovative, creative, and sustainable learning, including anti-corruption, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects that would otherwise not reach the children, thus helping to break the poverty cycle. This award is from the country office's discretionary budget; it further affirms the commitment to gender equity, social inclusion, and the Foundation's Just Imperative.

2022 ( 5 months)

Founded in 2016, Step Up Nigeria is a creative team that uses behavior change approaches to build bridges between government and Nigerian citizens to tackle corruption and improve the delivery of public services. This X-Grant award enables representatives from the On Nigeria behavior change cohort to attend the International Social and Behaviour Change Communication Summit in Morocco in December 2022. The Summit provides an opportunity for members of the cohort to learn from other practitioners, to share lessons learned from On Nigeria, and about using behavioral approaches to reduce and prevent corruption. It is also an opportunity to explore opportunities for partnership within Africa.

2021 (3 years 6 months)

Step Up Nigeria, founded in 2016, is a creative team that builds bridges between government and citizens to tackle corruption and improve the delivery of public services. With this award, Step Up builds on its "Catch Them Young" youth-focused initiative. Step Up uses storytelling and virtual learning tools to frame its anti-corruption stories, Emeka's Money and Halima's Vote, and works with public and private schools to educate children and teachers on the dangers of corruption to Nigeria's development and how to be agents of positive change in society. The award contributes to the reduction of corruption and the promotion of accountability through behavioral change.

2019 (2 years 5 months)

Step Up Nigeria, founded in 2016, is a creative team that builds bridges between government and citizens to tackle corruption and improve the delivery of public services. With this award, Step Up is implementing its “Catch Them Young” youth-focused initiative. Step Up uses storytelling and virtual learning to work with public and private schools to educate children and teachers on the dangers of corruption to Nigeria’s development, and how to be agents of positive change in society. The project contributes to On Nigeria’s goal of reducing corruption by supporting Nigerian-led efforts that strengthen accountability, transparency, and participation.