Total Awarded
2012 - 2017
Sojourners draws on its faith identity to build diverse partnerships and bridges across polarizing and entrenched issues. The organization provides Christians an opportunity to connect climate change with other issues they care about and to speak about issues from the perspective of their faith, which they do not find with secular environmental organizations. It has developed relationships with hundreds of leaders across the political spectrum from a variety of sectors, and it helps bring in new, atypical organizations to address climate change.
This award enables Sojourners to amplify the voices of evangelical scientists in an effort to reconcile climate science with the Christian faith, and counter claims made by climate skeptics. The support from the MacArthur Foundation enables Sojourners to work on environmental justice and ensures that the burden of raising concerns about the many areas of injustice linked to climate change does not fall only on people of color.
Sojourners draws on its faith identity to build diverse partnerships and bridges across polarizing and siloed issues. It has developed relationships with hundreds of leaders across the political spectrum from a variety of sectors, and it helps bring in new, atypical organizations to address climate change. This award enables Sojourners to amplify the voices of evangelical scientists in an effort to debunk bad science, provide arguments that reconcile science with the Christian faith, and critique claims made by climate skeptics. The support from the MacArthur Foundation will also enable Sojourners to expand its work on environmental justice and ensure that the burden of raising concerns about the many areas of injustice linked to climate change does not fall only on people of color.
Sojourners is a nonpartisan national Christian organization that convenes, builds alliances among, and mobilizes people of faith, focusing on racial and social justice, life and peace, and environmental stewardship. Building upon its earlier work of engaging policymakers, a broad faith constituency and the general public in a debate about the budget’s significance and the values that underlie the calculations to achieve fiscal sustainability, Sojourners will use this grant for a communications and education effort to ensure that the debate about the nation’s long-term fiscal future is informed by values and principles, including that deficit reduction does not put a disproportionate burden on low-income people.