Total Awarded
2003 - 2016
Established in 1965, the Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) is an umbrella organization of gynecologists and obstetricians in Nigeria. It is committed to improving women’s health and rights and reducing maternal and newborn mortality in Nigeria, as well as advancing the science and practice of gynecology and obstetrics. With previous Foundation support, SOGON successfully introduced and piloted maternal death reviews in six facilities in Abuja. As a result, the pilot facilities now prioritize accurate documentation and diagnosis of cause of death as important component of preventing future deaths. This final award helps SOGON build on the successes of the last project, introduce a perinatal component to the reviews, and improve data collection in line with the new national Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) guidelines in the six facilities. This award is part of the maternal health accountability portfolio in Nigeria and is expected to produce evidence of how accountability mechanisms can contribute to improving maternal health outcomes and reducing the maternal mortality burden.
The purpose of this project is reduction of maternal mortality through institutionalization of Maternal Death Review. The specific activities that will be implemented are (a) piloting of MDR in three states; and (b) collaborating with other groups to advocate for adoption of MDR throughout the country as an evidence-based tool for decision making and allocation of resources.
In support of reducing maternal mortality (over three years).
For work to improve the management of emergency obstetric complications (over three years).