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Smart Surfaces Coalition

Washington, D.C.


2022 (2 years 2 months)

The Smart Surfaces Coalition (Coalition) is committed to the rapid, cost-effective global adoption of smart surfaces to enable cities to thrive despite climate threats, save cities billions of dollars, create jobs, decrease heat, reduce flood risk, slow global warming, and improve city livability, health, and equity. Smart Surfaces include reflective roofs and pavements, green roofs, porous pavement, solar photovoltaic solutions, and trees, as well as combined solutions. In collaboration with The Energy and Resources Institute and the city of Bhopal, the Coalition is producing a detailed cost-benefit analysis of Bhopal’s surfaces to address future climate challenges.

2021 (2 years)

The Smart Surfaces Coalition (Coalition) is committed to the rapid, cost-effective global adoption of smart surfaces to enable cities to thrive despite climate threats, save cities billions of dollars, create jobs, decrease heat, reduce flood risk, slow global warming, and improve city livability, health, and equity. Smart Surfaces include reflective roofs and pavements, green roofs, porous pavement, solar photovoltaic, and trees as well as combined solutions. General operating support allows the Coalition to increase its capacity to respond to the climate mitigation and environmental justice opportunities emerging from the Biden Administration’s climate agenda.