Total Awarded
1992 - 2014
Salud Integral para la Mujer (SIPAM) is a leading women's health advocacy organization. This grant improves access for indigenous youth to reproductive health services through outreach and advocacy both in Mexico and in international fora. A strategy for increasing reporting of reproductive rights violations such as rape and cases of indigenous youth being denied health services is being implemented, including a radio and social media campaign, and peer-led educational activities in 10 states where the SIPAM's youth network is active.
A two-year grant of $100,000 to Salud Integral para la Mujer (SIPAM) will contribute to strengthening the participation of Mexico’s indigenous youth in using public accountability and advocacy strategies to promote reproductive health. SIPAM will also leverage indigenous youth networks’ involvement in a public campaign focusing on improving young people´s access to reproductive health services.
To increase young people's access to reproductive and sexual health services in Mexico City (over three years).
In support of consolidating and scaling up a model for increasing use of reproductive and sexual health services by public high school students (over three years).
In support of efforts to increase the number of and improve the quality of reproductive health services for youth offered by the Mexico City Ministry of Health (over three years).
To support the project Working towards Democracy: Developing Women's Citizenship in Mexico.
To support the women's health communications program (over three years).
To support a permanent site, allowing the expansion of HIV/AIDS prevention workshops and instructor training, gynecological consultations, and training of poor women in peri-urban communities.
For information dissemination, health training, and services for women (over three years).