Total Awarded
2015 - 2018
Sakil Nichim Antsetik was created in 2007 in response to maternal death, domestic violence, and a lack of recognition for the sexual and reproductive rights of indigenous women and youth in the highlands region of Chiapas. It has a professional team of bi- or trilingual indigenous leaders who work in San Cristobal and throughout the smaller indigenous communities of the region, especially with traditional midwives and young people. Sakil is working to strengthen both professional and traditional midwifery by focusing on indigenous women, intercultural care, and midwifery models in Chiapas, with additional work in Oaxaca and Guerrero. Sakil works with midwives interested in being able to provide services in public maternal health centers, and with students and professors to discuss intercultural healthcare.
Sakil Nichim Antsetik is a Chiapas-based organization of indigenous women promoting rights and health in their communities. The organization aims to build and strengthen support for the professionalization of midwifery through community outreach with traditional midwives, municipal authorities, schools, and women, and their families. The project seeks to set the stage for an increase in the number of licensed indigenous midwives working in Mexico.