Total Awarded
1991 - 2014
Established in Oaxaca in 1977, Grupo de Estudios sobre la Mujer Rosario Castellanos (Rosario Castellanos Women’s Study Group, or GesMujer) is one of Mexico’s oldest women’s rights organizations. GesMujer seeks to actively contribute to improving gender equity and women’s wellbeing through outreach, research, communications and training in Oaxaca. The proposed grant will support the creation of a building and capital asset reserve and a fundraising campaign to improve the organization’s future financial stability.
The grant will support the integration of rights-based, gender-oriented interventions into reproductive health programs in rural and indigenous areas of Oaxaca state to improve their effectiveness in providing reproductive health services and information to indigenous young people. The project is part of a broader effort to increase attention to the reproductive health needs of indigenous young people in Mexico, and will provide input to state and federal policy recommendations in health, education, indigenous affairs and youth development.
In support of outreach and local policy work for improving reproductive and sexual health among indigenous adolescents in selected municipalities of Oaxaca (over 37 months).
In support of scaling up of a training model for preventing maternal mortality with government health workers from the Oaxaca Ministry of Health and IMSS Oportunidades (over three years).
To support a model program to decrease maternal mortality rates among indigenous women in Oaxaca (over three years).
To develop a training program for teachers of reproductive health and sex education (over three years).
To support a meeting concerning leadership issues in the area of population and environment.
To support a women's health information and communication program designed for indigenous communities (over three years).
To support counseling services and training for women in the State of Oaxaca, Mexico.