Total Awarded
2010 - 2015
The Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps (RFK) has been a national leader in child welfare and juvenile justice for over 40 years, providing innovative and comprehensive programming for children and families dealing with behavioral and emotional issues. The award provides a final year of support to the RFK National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice (the Center) to help move policymakers, professionals, and practitioners away from costly court involvement and punitive responses to juvenile justice involved youth toward earlier more effective interventions in the community. One of four resource centers established by the Foundation to promote and support systems reform nationally, the Center provides technical assistance and serves as a clearinghouse and forum to learn about innovative policies and practices grounded in Models for Change lessons, tools, and resources.
This is one of four matching grants that fund projects under a public-private partnership between the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) and the Foundation to promote and diffuse best practices developed through Models for Change. The Action Corp - a nationally-recognized source for training, technical assistance, and information in juvenile justice - will use resources, tools, and methods developed through its work in Models for Change states to help four sites develop a more coordinated and integrated approach to improve outcomes for youths in the juvenile justice system with a history of child maltreatment.
The Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps has been a national leader in child welfare and juvenile justice for more than 40 years, providing innovative and comprehensive programming for children and families dealing with behavioral and emotional issues. The Action Corps will use this grant to establish and administer a training, technical assistance, and policy center based upon Models for Change policy and practice innovations, lessons, and resources that will promote and support systems reform on a national basis.
Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to promote and diffuse Models for Change best practices, it is funding four technical assistance projects in18 state and local jurisdictions adopting and implementing innovative and promising practices from Models for Change states. Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corp will use resources, tools, and methods developed through its work in Models for Change states to help four sites develop a more coordinated and integrated approach to improve outcomes for juvenile justice-involved youth with a history of child maltreatment.
As one of the Models for Change National Resource Bank technical assistance providers, the Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps provides training and technical support to states that have focused on coordinating and integrating programs and services for youth involved in both the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. The Action Corps will use this grant to help Models for Change states complete the implementation of state- level policy and local practice reforms to support systems coordination and integration and ensure their sustainability.
To provide training and technical assistance on juvenile justice and child welfare systems coordination and integration to Models for Change states (over three years).