Total Awarded
2016 - 2022
The R Street Institute (R Street) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public policy research organization dedicated to advancing center-right solutions to a variety of public policy problems. This award enables R Street to continue to raise awareness of the problem of over-reliance on jail incarceration and racial injustice, particularly among influential conservative audiences. Through op-eds, blog posts, articles in conservative journals, radio appearances, podcasts, and presentations at conferences, R Street makes the conservative case for reducing unnecessary jail incarceration while protecting the public, saving taxpayers’ money and limiting intrusive government. As a respected conservative organization with access, knowledge, and credibility on the right, R Street is uniquely positioned to build bipartisan support for the Safety and Justice Challenge (SJC), and to help create the conditions under which reforms generated by the SJC can spread nationally.
The R Street Institute (the Institute) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public policy research organization dedicated to advancing center-right solutions to a variety of public policy problems. This award enables the Institute to continue to raise awareness of the problem of over-reliance on jail incarceration, particularly among influential conservative audiences. Through op-eds, blog posts, articles in conservative journals, radio appearances, podcasts, and presentations at conferences, the Institute makes the conservative case for reducing the unnecessary use of jail incarceration while protecting the public, saving taxpayers’ money and limiting intrusive government. As a respected conservative organization with access, knowledge and credibility on the right, the Institute is uniquely positioned to build bipartisan support for the Safety and Justice Challenge, and to help create the conditions under which reforms generated by the initiative can spread nationally.
The R Street Institute (the Institute) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public policy research organization dedicated to advancing center-right solutions to a variety of public policy problems. This award enables the Institute to continue to raise awareness of the problem of over-reliance on jail incarceration, particularly among influential conservative audiences. Through op-eds, blog posts, articles in conservative journals, radio appearances, podcasts, and presentations at conferences, the Institute makes the conservative case for reducing the unnecessary use of jail incarceration while protecting the public, saving taxpayers’ money and limiting intrusive government. As a respected conservative organization with access, knowledge and credibility on the right, the Institute is uniquely positioned to build bipartisan support for the Safety and Justice Challenge, and to help create the conditions under which reforms generated by the initiative can spread nationally.
The R Street Institute (the Institute) is a free-market think tank dedicated to advancing right-of-center solutions to a variety of public policy problems. This award enables the Institute to partner with the Texas Public Policy Foundation Right on Crime initiative (Right on Crime), a leading conservative state-based think tank that has spearheaded the movement to change conservative views on criminal-justice policy, to draw attention to the need for solutions to the problem of jail misuse and overuse. Through op-eds, blog posts, articles in conservative journals, radio appearances, podcasts, and presentations at conferences, the Institute makes the conservative case for reducing the unnecessary use of jail incarceration while protecting the public, saving taxpayers’ money and limiting intrusive government. These activities serve to elevate the public’s awareness of the problem of over-reliance on jail incarceration, and help build bipartisan support for the Safety and Justice Challenge system change efforts and the spread of reforms.