Total Awarded
2013 - 2015
The Proyecto de Derechos Economicos, Sociales y Culturales (ProDESC) is a Mexican organization with expertise in labor law and an outstanding track record in litigating abuse against workers recruited in Mexico for the United States' H-2 (temporary worker) visa program. The award addresses recruitment fraud through litigation, increasing workers' ability to report abuse, the creation of a system to weed out fraudulent recruiters, and a pilot recruitment program. It builds on prior successes in bringing to light abusive practices such as charging illegal fees, confiscating identity documents, and deceiving workers about the nature of the job offers.
ProDESC, a Mexican organization with expertise in labor law and workers’ rights, will implement a litigation and advocacy campaign to deter abusive recruitment practices and increase protections for Mexican migrant workers employed through temporary workers programs. Grant funds support ProDESC’s outreach efforts in key Mexican states, production of a report documenting systematic abuses in key industries employing migrant workers, and development of policy proposals for the Mexican government to improve recruitment practices and protections for migrant workers.