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Protestants for the Common Good

Chicago, Illinois
  • Grants
  • Total Awarded
  • Years
    1996 - 2007
  • Categories


2007 (1 year)

To establish an Academy for the Common Good.

2004 (2 years)

In support of the collaborative project Religion and the Metropolitan Challenge: Religious Communities and Regional Sustainability in Metropolitan Chicago (over two years).

2002 (2 years)

To promote housing mobility for current public housing residents in Chicago (over two years).

2001 (1 year)

For professional staff to work on housing issues.

2000 (2 years)

To affirm the importance of affordable housing and economically and racially inclusive communities in the Chicago area (over two years).

1999 (1 year)

To enlist suburban congregations in assisting public housing families who relocate to the suburbs.

1998 (1 year)

To support a church-based educational program on welfare reform and poverty.

1997 (1 year)

To support education programs to increase understanding of poverty and welfare reform.

1996 (1 year)

In support of general operations.