Total Awarded
2011 - 2015
Promundo-U.S., a Washington-DC-based NGO, is the leading organization addressing men's roles in improving reproductive and maternal health through research, advocacy, and training. In this project, Promundo staff is building alliances with other organizations working on respectful maternity care, conducting research to explore men's knowledge and practices related to maternal health to better inform evidence-based advocacy, policy, and programming, and researching men's perceptions of abortion in order to inform interventions to improve women's maternal and reproductive health in the Global South.
Promundo U.S. will contribute to building the evidence base on, and to developing new program tools to advance, men’s contributions to improving maternal health. Activities include: (a) carrying out an impact evaluation of a public health sector program promoting men’s involvement in prenatal care and deliveries; (b) publishing an overview of evidence of what works in engaging men; and (c) developing a training package for health providers. In addition, tools will be developed on working with men in post-conflict settings.
To support a global advocacy campaign to increase men's engagement in maternal health (over two years).