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Population Reference Bureau

Washington, D.C.
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2021 (3 years 5 months)

The Population Reference Bureau (PRB) is a Washington, DC-based nonprofit organization that specializes in preparing and supporting policymakers, decisionmakers, and the media to use data for decision-making. With this award, PRB is creating Public Health Reporting Corps in India and Nigeria to focus on the immediate needs and structural inequalities exposed due to COVID-19. PRB is selecting diverse cohorts of up to 30 journalists each from India and Nigeria and providing in-depth fellowships that prepare journalists to report on COVID-19 and other pressing public health issues. The main outcome is a cohort of journalists and editors engaged in constructive reporting about the pandemic response and recovery and equipped with adequate resources and support to be messengers and watchdogs needed for public health accountability.

2008 (1 year 4 months)

To translate documents and online content on population and reproductive health into Arabic.

1995 (2 years)

For a comparative study of the linkages between household consumption and environmental degradation in four countries (over two years).

1991 (1 year)

To support the Global Edition program, a network of journalists from developing countries reporting on world population and its relation to the global environment.

1989 (1 year 1 month)

To establish a network of journalists from developing countries committed to effective, ongoing reporting on the state of the world's environment and its relationship to population issues.