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Plan International USA

Warwick, Rhode Island


2016 (1 year 1 month)

Established in 1939, Plan International works to improve the quality of life for vulnerable children in developing countries and operates (through country chapters) in 50 countries. This award supports Plan to improve the ambulance systems and access to emergency services for pregnant women in Alimosho local government area in Lagos state through a community participation approach. The focus is on strengthening service delivery by standardizing emergency service procedures and training content for first responders, and improving community oversight through monitoring and advocacy by ward health committees. The project will improve accountability and access to safe and timely transport to health facilities, which should, in turn, contribute to reducing maternal mortality in Nigeria.

2015 (3 years 3 months)

Founded in 1937, Plan International (Plan) is among the oldest and largest child development organizations in the world with programing in over 50 countries, including Nigeria. This project expands Plan's Better Life Options and Opportunities Model, which uses a community-based approach to deliver a rigorously tested and locally tailored curriculum focused on transferable, employment-relevant, 21st century skills to in and out-of-school youth. It also simultaneously develops an enabling community support structure and builds the capacity oflocal organizations to implement, sustain, and replicate the model. The project reaches 1,200 14-16 year old girls (80 percent) and boys (20 percent) in Cross River State.

2015 (1 year 2 months)

Established in 1939, with headquarters in Washington DC, Plan International USA works to improve the quality of life of vulnerable children in developing countries and operates (through country chapters) in about 50 countries, reaching more than 50 million children. Building on work started under an earlier project, Plan continues to strengthen the ambulance system and accountability structures for maternal health in Lagos, Nigeria through three activities: a) unifying the service delivery guidelines between Lagos State Ambulance Services and Lagos State Primary Health Care Board and finalizing a basic emergency obstetric care training curriculum for use by paramedics in the ambulances; b) training and mentoring Ward Health Committees to monitor the functioning of emergency transport services in select Local Government Areas in Lagos, and c) documenting outcomes from maternal health learning tours between Nigerian and Indian officials.

2012 (2 years 4 months)

Plan International is implementing several activities intended to help reduce-maternal mortality in Nigeria. The broad components of the project are: instituting accountability mechanisms and frameworks, and a related aspect of ensuring Nigeria's commitments at international level; sharing knowledge with other countries on successful projects to reduce maternal mortality underway in Nigeria.