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Partners West Africa – Nigeria

Abuja, Nigeria
  • Grants
  • Total Awarded
  • Years
    2017 - 2023
  • Categories
    On Nigeria


2023 (1 year 6 months)

Established in 2017, Partners West Africa Nigeria (PWAN) is a nonprofit organization that enhances citizen participation and improves security governance in Nigeria and West Africa. The previous award to PWAN supported legal and non-legal operators’ understanding of proper implementation of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA) and state-level Administration of Criminal Justice Laws (ACJLs) in court proceedings. With this tie-off award, PWAN consolidates criminal justice reform gains over the last eight years through the review of the penal and criminal code laws of select states, to bring them in conformity with the ACJA and ACJLs, and the Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act. The review also ensures the effective implementation of the provisions of the ACJA and ACJLs. The award further supports PWAN to document and disseminate the audit findings within the criminal justice sector, and to advocate for amendments to the provisions of the criminal and penal code laws of select states. Lastly, this award enables PWAN to enhance its organizational strength to deepen its criminal justice reform efforts, and continue to promote accountability. PWAN’s work contributes to On Nigeria’s criminal justice strategy that seeks to institutionalize ACJA, ACJL, and Anti-Corruption Agencies’ tools and methods to deepen and sustain criminal justice reform long after On Nigeria exits the field.

2022 ( 5 months)

Established in 2017, Partners West Africa Nigeria (PWAN), is a nonprofit organization that enhances citizens’ participation and improves security governance in Nigeria and West Africa. This X-Grant award enables On Nigeria criminal justice cohort members to attend an international anti-bribery and anti-corruption conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in September 2022. The conference brings together scholars and practitioners in the field of anti-corruption and accountability. The conference improves knowledge on the compatibility of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act with other relevant international best practice anti-corruption legal frameworks that benefits Nigeria.

2021 (4 years)

Established in 2017, Partners West Africa Nigeria (PWAN) is a nonprofit organization that enhances citizen participation and improves security governance in Nigeria and West Africa. The previous award to PWAN supported court observations to determine compliance with the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA) and the Administration of Criminal Justice Laws (ACJLs) in 65 courts across the Federal Capital Territory, Lagos, and Ondo states. This final award supports PWAN to complement the work of judicial officers and operators of the law by training non-legal operators such as chief registrars, court clerks, bailiffs, and low-ranking police officers in Plateau, Bauchi, and Ondo states in implementing the ACJA and ACJLs. PWAN also provides technical assistance based on requests to support the creation of Administration of Criminal Justice Monitoring Committees (ACJMCs) in Gombe and Taraba states to enable them to provide effective oversight, which includes proper implementation of laws. In addition, PWAN advocates for the establishment of case management systems for the Ministries of Justice in Jigawa, Ondo, and Plateau states to ensure effective and speedy dispensation of justice in criminal cases.

2020 ( 2 months)

The Rule of Law and Empowerment Initiative, also known as Partners West Africa Nigeria (PWAN), is a women-led and women-focused non-governmental organization dedicated to enhancing citizens’ participation and improving security governance in Nigeria and West Africa broadly. PWAN is conducting nationwide research to assess the comprehensive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women in Nigeria. The research accounts for susceptibility to sexual and gender-based violence; socio-economic impacts; unique impacts across demographics such as age, economic status, location, etc.; and peculiarities across the various geopolitical zones in the country. This research is necessary for an in-depth assessment of the situation to enable governments and other relevant actors to develop more informed strategies in addressing the effects of the pandemic on women across Nigeria.

2017 (4 years 6 months)

Partners for West Africa – Nigeria is a non-governmental organization dedicated to enhancing citizen participation and improving security governance in Nigeria and West Africa. With this award, Partners for West Africa – Nigeria is promoting implementation of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA) at the federal level, and its state-adopted versions in Lagos and Ondo States, by enhancing citizen participation in judicial processes through case monitoring, daily observation of court cases, and user satisfaction surveys. The organization uses data and findings from the court observations to engage the judiciary in the target states, and to engage the Administration of Criminal Justice Monitoring Committee as a means of ensuring compliance with the law. The project contributes to improving the Nigerian government’s ability to effectively respond to corruption by monitoring implementation and compliance with the ACJA and related state laws.