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Panorama Global

Seattle, Washington


2023 (1 year)

Project Hyphen

Panorama Global, which seeks to maximize social impact through partnerships that make social change happen quickly, equitably, and sustainably, is serving as the fiscal sponsor for the Initiative for Inclusive Entrepreneurship, an effort that seeks to expand access to capital for small businesses owned by historically marginalized individuals, and to ensure that the U.S. Department of Treasury’s $10 billion State Small Business Credit Initiative strengthens the small business ecosystem and advances racial equity. Hyphen, an organization that facilitates multi-sector initiatives seeking to achieve greater equity for underserved communities and our broader society, is incubating this initiative for a period of 18 months. The initiative is increasing access to capital for underserved entrepreneurs by a) strengthening the capacity of key distribution partners, community lenders, and fund managers; b) equipping their staff to successfully reach, serve, and scale their work with historically marginalized entrepreneurs; and c) increasing the availability of and access to flexible products and patient capital available for historically marginalized entrepreneurs. Over the long term, IIE seeks to contribute to an inclusive financial system by supporting businesses led by entrepreneurs from historically marginalized communities, which in turn, increases investment and access to opportunity for these same communities.

2023 (1 year 6 months)

Project Hyphen

Panorama Global, founded in 2016 and based in Seattle, WA, seeks to maximize social impact by partnering with visionary leaders to codevelop solutions. Hyphen, a project of Panorama Global, is an initiative that creates and supports high-impact public-philanthropic partnerships that advance racial equity and improve economic opportunities for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and other historically marginalized communities across the United States. This grant provides flexible support to Hyphen.

2021 (1 year)

Project Hyphen

Panorama Global, founded in 2017 and based in Seattle, WA, works on a range of issues affecting the planet, people, and productivity, focusing on unifying people and resources to tackle the most audacious local and global social challenges of our time. Panorama Global is the fiscal sponsor of Hyphen, an initiative that aims to create and support high-impact federal public-philanthropic partnerships and collaborations that improve opportunities for Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and other historically marginalized communities across the United States. This grant provides flexible support to Hyphen for its core activities.