Total Awarded
2004 - 2021
The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) works to build a safer world by reducing threats from weapons of mass destruction and disruption. This award for general operations funds NTI’s critical work as a key organization in the nuclear field. The intended outcomes of this award are to empower NTI to respond quickly to new challenges and opportunities as they arise, and to build support for policies and practices that mitigate existential threats.
The Nuclear Threat Initiative works to build a safer world by reducing threats from weapons of mass destruction and disruption, including nuclear, radiological, biological, and cyber threats. This award supports a workshop of the Gender Champions in Nuclear Policy (GCNP), a leadership network that brings together heads of organizations working in nuclear policy who are committed to breaking down gender barriers and making gender equality a working reality in their spheres of influence. The award supports workshop costs while demonstrating the MacArthur Foundation’s commitment to the values GCNP seeks to uphold.
The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) works to build a safer world by reducing threats from weapons of mass destruction and disruption, including nuclear, radiological, biological, and cyber threats. This renewal award provides general operating support, allowing NTI to continue to work with governments, international institutions, leaders and partners from around the world, thereby building political will and public support for policies and practices that reduce these threats. The award also allows NTI the means to respond quickly to new challenges and opportunities that arise with little or no warning. It supports core programs, including strengthening the global system for securing nuclear materials and holding states accountable for action; innovating a new international approach to the nuclear fuel supply chain to reduce proliferation risks and strengthen safeguards and monitoring measures; and building global capacity on verification amongst countries with and without nuclear weapons.
The Nuclear Threat Initiative works to prevent catastrophic attacks with weapons of mass destruction and disruption (WMDD)—nuclear, biological, radiological, chemical, and cyber. With MacArthur support NTI experts will conduct a series of briefings in Saudi Arabia related to upcoming policy choices about Riyadh’s development of civilian nuclear power. The intended outcome of this award is to educate policy makers and increase the quality of policy discussions on nuclear nonproliferation and security, and how they relate to decisions on nuclear energy.
The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization with a mission to strengthen global security by reducing the risk of use and preventing the spread of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and to work to build trust, transparency, and security. With MacArthur support NTI is developing a web-based interactive graphic tool on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The intended outcome of this award is to improve the quality of the debate on the JCPOA by clearly articulating—to policymakers and other influencers—the restrictions that the JCPOA places on the Iranian nuclear program.
The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization with a mission to strengthen global security by reducing the risk of use and preventing the spread of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and to work to build trust, transparency, and security. This award provides general operating support, allowing NTI to continue to work with governments, international institutions, leaders and partners from around the world to develop policies and to build human and institutional capacity to address issues of global security. It also allows NTI the means to respond quickly to new challenges and opportunities that arise with little or no warning. It particularly supports NTI’s efforts to address global nuclear security, including projects such as the fourth edition of NTI Nuclear Materials Security Index, and conducting a global dialogue on nuclear material priorities, as a means of sustaining and extending gains made through the Nuclear Security Summit process.
The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to strengthen global security by reducing the risk of use and preventing the spread of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and to build trust, transparency, and security. This award supports an NTI-led effort to convene an international conference in Chile with government officials and other stakeholders that aims to improve the prospects of establishing a highly enriched uranium (HEU)-free region in Latin America. The event is designed to address the legal, political, and institutional steps necessary to establish such a region—and build upon momentum from the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit (NSS). The intended outcome is to facilitate a formal agreement that would strengthen the norm against using HEU for civilian purposes, and could be used as a model for similar agreements in other regions.
The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization with a mission to strengthen global security by reducing the risk of use and preventing the spread of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and to work to build trust, transparency, and security. This award will support NTI’s efforts to strengthen global nuclear materials security and reduce proliferation concerns. As part of its work under this general operating support, NTI continues two highly successful projects under previous grants—developing the third edition of NTI Nuclear Materials Security Index, and conducting a global dialogue on nuclear security priorities—to promote strong nuclear security outcomes at the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit.
The Nuclear Threat Initiative is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to strengthening global security by preventing the spread and use of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and building trust, transparency and security. This grant will contribute to the reduction of nuclear proliferation and the improvement of global nuclear security systems by developing a second edition of NTI Nuclear Materials Security Index, conducting a global dialogue to develop a comprehensive system for protecting, tracking, and managing nuclear materials and developing new spent nuclear fuel strategies. Funds will be used for salaries, honoraria and professional fees, travel, conferences and meetings.
In support of general operations (over two years).
In support of The Nuclear Security Project, aimed at galvanizing global action to reduce urgent nuclear dangers and build support for a world free of nuclear weapons (over 18 months).
In support of a project to galvanize global action to reduce urgent nuclear dangers and build support for a world free of nuclear weapons.
In support of efforts to inform policymakers and the public about the nuclear terrorism threat.