Total Awarded
Founded in 1831, New York University is now one of the largest private universities in the United States. The Tandon School of Engineering, formerly the Polytechnic Institute, is focused on finding new solutions to the world’s problems by working across disciplines, redefining the technology landscape and strengthening important area of research; it is the home of GovLab and of the MacArthur Research Network on Opening Governance (the Network). The Network was launched in 2014, and engaged an interdisciplinary group of scholars to examine what it means to open up government to diverse participation and to understand if this contributes to more effectiveness and legitimacy. After three years of research, conferences, trainings and practical applications, the Network has gained insights into how openness can improve the way governments partner with and serve citizens. This final award to the Network supports two years of additional research, engagement and dissemination of the Network’s learnings and findings.