Total Awarded
1991 - 2016
The Neighborhood Funders Group (NFG) is a network of over 80 philanthropic institutions working to build the capacity of funders to promote social justice and community-level change. The NFG’s Working Group on Labor and Community Partnerships (the Working Group) is a subgroup of member funders committed to advancing the philanthropic conversation about economic justice, and strategies to expand access to higher quality employment, higher wages, better working conditions, comprehensive benefits and financial stability for working families. It provides an ongoing learning community for member funders to share, coordinate and organize activities to strategically address the changing nature of work, in particular the rise of contingent and fissured work arrangements. The grant supports efforts to identify and fill gaps in data and research that examine the true extent and implications of these shifting dynamics. It also supports the Foundation’s membership in NFG and the Working Group.
In support of the activities of the Program Related Investment (PRI) Makers Network (over two years).
In support of the Program Related Investment Makers Network (over 10 months).
In support of a learning network and conference on comprehensive community-building initiatives.
To support research on housing availability and affordability and for related dissemination activities (over two years).
For a national conference on community organizing and neighborhood development.
In support of general operations.
For a national conference on jobs and community development.
To support organizational development activities (over two years).
To support the National Low-Income Housing and Community Development Funders Conference.