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National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies

Jos, Nigeria
  • Grants
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    On Nigeria


2021 (3 years 10 months)

The National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), established in 1979, is one of the Nigeria’s leading policy think tanks, with core mandates of policy research, training, advocacy, publishing, and conference-hosting. NIPSS is the premier institute where public and private-sector elites, including security agencies and non-governmental organizations, are trained. With this award, NIPSS staff strengthens skills in behavior change approaches, which enables them to bring this expertise to Nigeria’s public and private-sector policy issues. NIPSS is institutionalizing these skills by reviewing existing training curricula, developing new training curricula, encouraging course participants to apply behavioral insights to their projects and work, and hosting conferences on national issues. The award is expected to reduce corruption and promote accountability by institutionalizing knowledge of behavior change approaches in public and private sectors. This project will be implemented in collaboration with other behavior change and Foundation grantees.