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National Committee for Citizens in Education

Washington, D.C.
  • Grants
  • Total Awarded
  • Years
    1983 - 1990


1990 (1 year)

To support program activities (over four years).

1990 (1 year)

To support the Help Line/ACCESS project.

1989 (1 year 1 month)

To support evaluation of the ACCESS clearinghouse and Parent Help Line programs.

1987 (3 years)

To support ACCESS, the information clearinghouse about public schools (over three years).

1987 (2 years 4 months)

To support expanded studies, publications, or services adding to and/or using the ACCESS information system (over three years).

1984 (1 year)

To implement a clearinghouse for individual parents and parent groups attempting to improve their children's schools (over three years).

1983 (1 year)

To support a feasibility study, undertaken in cooperation with the National School Volunteer Program and the Institute for Responsive Education's National Commission on Resources for Youth, for a clearinghouse on educational information for parents, citizens, and students.