Total Awarded
1986 - 2005
In support of technical studies and international dialogue aimed at reducing the dangers posed by nuclear and biological weapons (over three years).
In support of policy studies, policy dialogues, and dissemination and outreach activities (over two years).
To support policy dialogues with counterparts in Russia, China, and India and for policy studies on arms reduction, defensive technologies, and the weaponization of space (over two years).
To support policy studies on the scientific and technical issues underlying arms reduction efforts and for international dialogues on security issues (over two years).
To support scientific analysis and international networking to reduce the proliferation of nuclear and biological weapons (over two years).
To strengthen international understanding of nuclear and biological weapons, and to analyze issues related to reducing the danger from these weapons (over two years).
To support activities with international counterparts and to develop a major policy study (over two years).
To support the project Managing and Disposing of Weapons-Grade Plutonium: Assessing the Technical and Policy Options.
In support of general operations (over two years).
To support a meeting with European scientists.