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MoMing Dance & Arts Center

Chicago, Illinois
  • Grants
  • Total Awarded
  • Years
    1981 - 1990


1990 (1 year)

To support the salary of the general manager.

1990 (1 year)

To hire a part-time coordinator to assist in planning and coordinating the annual meeting of the National Performance Network.

1989 (1 year 1 month)

To eliminate the deficit.

1988 (1 year)

A technical assistance grant for organization and board development.

1988 (3 years)

In support of general operations (over three years).

1986 (1 year)

In support of general operations (over two years).

1986 (1 year 1 month)

A technical assistance grant.

1984 (1 year)

In support of general operations (over two years).

1983 (1 year)

In support of general operations.

1982 (1 year)

In support of general operations.

1981 (1 year)

In support of general operations.