Total Awarded
1988 - 2007
To assess impacts and mitigate consequences of climate change upon Madagascar's plants (over three years).
In support of building local capacity to research Madagascar’s native flora (over three years).
To strengthen scientific capacity in Vietnam to undertake botanical surveys as a conservation planning tool (over three years).
To establish the Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development (over three years).
To support conservation planning in New Caledonia (over three years).
To support botanical training programs in Tanzania and Madagascar (over three years).
To support field research and training for young botanists in Bolivia and Peru (over three years).
To publish and disseminate the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Biodiversity and Ecosystems of the President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology.
To support an integrated botanical training program in Tanzania (over four years).
To support training activities in Madagascar and to transfer the management of the network of botanists to the two national herbaria (over three years).
To complete and publish Alwyn Gentry's research on neotropical bignoiaceae.
To study and document the plant diversity of the tropical Andean region (over three years).
To support conservation activities in Madagascar and to support the Parc de Tsimbazaza and sampan'ASA Sampan'ASA Fambolena Fiompiana.
To assess actions needed to maintain the collections of the Komarov Botanical Institute in St. Petersburg.
To support educational and public outreach programming in conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution's traveling exhibition on tropical rainforests.
To defer expenses associated with assistance in administering grants in Madagascar.
To support a Madagascar research and conservation program (over three years).
To support grants to botanical institutions in the tropical Andes (over two years).
To support biogeographic research and documentation of neotropical plant diversity in Amazonian Peru and Columbia (over three years).
To support a film focusing on the destruction of tropical rainforests and on strategies for their preservation by documenting efforts in Madagascar.